you want simple over complicated
you need time efficient workouts
you value function & performance over aesthetic
you don't want the headache of writing your own program
you're in it for the long haul
you want a new & fancy workout every time
you want to spend 1 hr+ working out
your main goal is aesthetic
you want overnight results
you're not invested in the long term
Sedentary lifestyles contribute to an elevated risk of metabolic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc) & musculoskeletal diseases (osteoporosis, knee pain, etc) *
70% of older adults report experiencing joint pain**
You're less likely to succeed without a plan
The sooner you start, the better your results will be
Efficient workouts = more time
*Park JH, Moon JH, Kim HJ, Kong MH, Oh YH. Sedentary Lifestyle: Overview of Updated Evidence of Potential Health Risks. Korean J Fam Med. 2020 Nov; PMID: 33242381; PMCID: PMC7700832.
**Wallace B, Singer D, Kullgren J, Kirch M, Solway E, Smith E, Hutchens L, Malani P. Arthritis and Joint Pain. University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging. September 2022.
Doors open Thursday, August 10
12 month progressive overload programming
Designed for at-home or on-the-go
Strength & mobility training
Warm up & cool down
Demonstration videos
Unlimited access to ME!
Due to the nature of progressive overload, there is a 3 month commitment for Reaurum Monthly. Cancel anytime after 3 months.